The Hindu-Yogi Science Of Breath
Publisher Description
In this book author explains that thought vibrations are as real as those manifesting as light, heat, magnetism and electricity. The difference is in the vibratory rate which also explains the fact that thought vibrations cannot usually be perceived by our five senses. Hindu-Yogi Science Of Breath is a Complete Manual of The Oriental Breathing Philosophy of Physical, Mental, Psychic and Spiritual Development. Rhythmical breathing brings oneself into harmonious vibration with nature to maintain vitality, freedom from disease and increased resistance. Ones mental power, happiness, self-control, and even spiritual growth will be increased with greater understanding of the "Science of Breath."
Customer Reviews
The Breath
I learned so much! This book helps me appreciate even more my breath and the correct way to breathe. Understanding the science of it brings clarity!
1932?? Public Domain?
One of the multiple titles available on Apple Books under entries that clearly and solely display this author, yet show a published date of 1932 and list the works as public domain. Is he terrible at data entry, or trying to pass off blatant plagiarism as original?
If you’re not sure, note how only the audiobooks cost $. Walking a legal tightrope.
Oh, and also the content is a bunch of hokey nonsense. There’s that too.
Hindu yogi science of breathe
Very Easy insightful read! Quick chapters easy to follow with alot of substance