The Islamic Journal 03
From Islamic Civilisation To The Heart Of Islam, Ihsan, Human Perfection.
Publisher Description
The Islamic Journal begins with a historical background of Islamic society and how it developed and then went on to develop the rest of the world, Islamic society didn't simply advance scientifically excelling above other societies it gave the world the social, legal and moral tools needed to create the modern world. The Journal then covers the topics relating to the Islamic science of Tassawwuf at the heart of everything Islamic. It came about as a result of a book I was writing called “The Knowledge Behind The Terminology and Concepts in Tassawwuf and It’s Origin”, the title is as descriptive as possible because the book was written in the same style as classical islamic texts, a single document without any chapter’s, as they were a later invention which hindered the flow of the book.
The Journal, which is written sequentially, covers a wide range of related topics in a much deeper scope, from the history of Islamic civilisation and how it developed as a result of it’s practices to the prophets understanding of Space and the Universe and how Allah used them as an example to teach man about his self.
Table Of Contents
1) The Universe and What It Means That Everything In It Praises and Worships Allah.
2) Allah Created The Universe So Man Can Know Him Because Of The One Who Can Achieve Knowing Him.
3) All Matter In The Universe Is Held Together By Forces Allah Calls His Hold On Creation.
4) The Aim Of Creation Is So That Man Can Know Himself and Allah.
5) For Each Type of Knowledge In Islam A School Was Created and Devoted To Studying It.
6) The Objectives Of Ihsan – Human Perfection.
7) The Islamic Scholars On Tassawwuf Throughout History
8) Tassawwuf and The World Today.
9) Ihsan and It’s Place In The Quran and Sunnah.
Related Material
1) The End Of The Universe and Events On The Day of Judgment
2) One Of The Trees Of Jannah and Meeting With Allah
3) Muslim Contributions To Science and Art