The Language Of Life Vol. I ~ A Universal Dialect The Language Of Life Vol. I ~ A Universal Dialect

The Language Of Life Vol. I ~ A Universal Dialect

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Publisher Description

Do you want to change how you think? Do you want to speak inspiration into the atmosphere of your life? Do you want to ooze & exude motivation through the pores of your being? Well, You CAN! There is an energy and aura that comes from Transformational Thinking. If you change your Thinking, then Change your Words, you will ultimately Change your Life.

The Language of Life Book Vol. I ~ A Universal Dialect was inspired by the author’s desire to post daily quotes referenced at one point as “Ladyisms”, which helped her facilitate motivation, inspiration and truth at the beginning or throughout the day for her social media audience. Due to the overwhelming responses, gratitude for her daily inspiration and many requests to capture her uplifting motivational aura in writing, Tamara R. Hudson has finally penned her first book geared solely to help uplift the world.

From the beginning of time, the unique use of words has been deemed powerful; and when individually relative, words can be quite impactful. In this book filled with encouragement and insightful quotes, Tamara R. Hudson encapsulates truth, spirituality and motivation on several different levels. She is dedicated to lining the walls of your mind with thoughts of how far you have come in life, where you are in life now, and the road to where you are headed. Explore and journey beyond your current life’s location, and embark upon new ways to express learning life by creating your own optimistic & positive language!

This book will cultivate how you interpret your life experiences. Allow your thoughts and words to become your Power, and this Unmatched Power will evoke change in you, and surround everything around you. Transform & Transcend!

Health, Mind & Body
May 17
Tamara R. Hudson
Draft2Digital, LLC