The Law and the Poor
Publisher Description
The physiological tutor will take his pupils into the laboratory and cut up a rabbit to show them where their livers ought to be, the microscopist will choose a newt to exhibit to you the circulation of the blood, and in like manner, for my purposes, the debtor seems to me to possess all the necessary legal incidents in him through which one can give an excellent object lesson on the law and the poor. There is no legal mystery about a debtor; he is a common object of our legal seashore, as ancient of lineage as the periwinkle and sometimes almost as difficult to get at.
The Collected Works of Edmund Burke
Letter addressed to the addressers, on the late proclamation: By Thomas Paine, ...
The political tracts and speeches: of Edmund Burke, Esq. Member of Parliament for the city of Bristol.
An enquiry into the causes of the frequent executions at Tyburn: and a proposal for some regulations concerning felons in prison, and the good effects to be expected from them. ... By B. Mandeville, M.D
Augusta triumphans: or, the way to make London the most flourishing city in the universe. First, by establishing an university ... Concluding with an effectual method to prevent street robberies; and a letter to Coll. Robinson, on account of the orphan's
Pigs' meat; or, lessons for the swinish multitude: Published in weekly penny numbers, collected by the poor man's advocate (an old veteran in the cause of freedom) in the course of his reading for more than twenty years. Intended to promote among the lab