The Laws of Human Nature The Laws of Human Nature

The Laws of Human Nature

by Robert Greene A Comprehensive Summary

    • 3.9 • 9 Ratings
    • $3.99
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Publisher Description

The Laws of Human Nature | A Comprehensive Summary

In The Laws of Human Nature, Robert Greene offers 18 laws that explain who we are as human beings and why we act the way we do. As in most of his previous literary works, Greene puts special emphasis on the emotional and manipulative qualities that human beings possess. 

The book is divided into 18 chapters, with each chapter referring to a specific law that defines human nature. Greene begins each chapter by providing a brief explanation of what each law entails. He then narrates a story of a real-life person who embodies a particular aspect of human nature. In every story, there are numerous lessons to learn, with Greene offering insightful and practical strategies on how to adopt the specific law.

The purpose of the book is to show you the best and worst parts of human nature so that you become more aware of them. Greene wants the reader to analyze their own character, see whether they suffer from a particular flaw, and learn how to overcome it. The author also wants you to become more aware of these natural tendencies in the people around you so that you avoid being manipulated and controlled. The book covers a wide range of themes, ranging from evolution, to spirituality, economics, politics, and religion. Greene ties all these themes together to paint a picture of human nature and how we can better understand ourselves.

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February 16
Epic Books LLC
Sze Leong Lam

Customer Reviews

rockyhasanur ,

Deep insightful

This book is deeply researched and powerfully written.
Can't wait to read it again.

Veronica W Hopkins ,

Worth read

I have just learnt more about human nature than in all the books I read before combined.
If you want to better understand yourself and others, this book is an absolute necessity.

Erica_Llopez ,

Another classic book

This book is really interesting as it focuses on human behaviour and why we act certain ways. I found the book to be highly interesting.

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