The Man God Uses
14 Characteristics of Godly Man
4.8 • 73 Ratings
Publisher Description
Do you want to become an instrument that God can use to accomplish His will?
In this inspiring book, Chuck Smith, examines the personal characteristics of the people God used throughout the Scriptures. What made these people so different that God chose them? With remarkable insight, Chuck reveals five essential components of prayer; the danger of a lukewarm Gospel; and the secret to the apostles' boldness.
Customer Reviews
Be that man!
I am excited to say that we just finished this book in our Men’s Group at our church. It was my second time through it personally and I have gotten even more out of it this second time through with other men sharing their takeaways. It is an easy read, with a challenging depth. I believe it has drawn us men closer together, and closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Blessings!