Its more that a job...its a way of life!
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Publisher Description
The Pilot Network intends to expand your network and help all pilots in future endeavors; to “pay it forward” as it were. With the aviation career field comes the unknown, and a good network is often the difference in sitting on the sidelines or getting into the game. Some of us have the job we want or need many of us do not yet. The Pilot Network gives us the chance to reconnect to old aviation colleagues, seek out new avenues within this great career, or just give a helping hand to those coming up int he vocation.
We have grown to over 4,500 members and add more every day! We need to branch out: Facebook is only the beginning of our social media platform. Stay tuned for big things!
This is out best way to excel in our career field. Whether you are a seasoned veteran with 10,000+ hours or a newbie starting out, the right network can help you find your next job.
Thank you and tailwinds!