The Power of Your Subconscious Mind The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

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Publisher Description

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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind has been a bestseller since its first publication in 1963, selling many millions of copies since its original publication. It is one of the most brilliant and beloved spiritual self-help works of all time which can help you heal yourself, banish your fears, sleep better, enjoy better relationships and just feel happier. The techniques are simple and results come quickly. You can improve your relationships, your finances, your physical well-being.Dr Joseph Murphy explains that life events are actually the result of the workings of your conscious and subconscious minds. He suggests practical techniques through which one can change one's destiny, principally by focusing and redirecting this miraculous energy. Years of research studying the world's major religions convinced him that some Great Power lay behind all spiritual life and that this power is within each of us.'The Power of Your Subconscious Mind' will open a world of success, happiness, prosperity, and peace for you.

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Health, Mind & Body
April 27
Ingram DV LLC

Customer Reviews

RatnaRead ,

It is very inspiring!

A must read book for everyone!

itssofiac ,

one of my favorites!

absolutely loved this book! if only i had known from day 1 that my thoughts were going to become my reality..

Alieu Jallow ,

Amazing Book

Peace and Prosperity

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