The Prayer of Freedom The Prayer of Freedom

The Prayer of Freedom

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Publisher Description

I saw people set free from arthritis; I saw the same with depression, anxiety, glaucoma, addictions, and so much more. I've even seen chronic health and pain ailments melt away because of this prayer...

What is the prayer of freedom?

The Prayer of Freedom is a specific approach to prayer that gives people breakthrough from many of life's most challenging issues. Mental issues such as depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and anxiety. Health issues such as asthma, fibromyalgia, and arthritis. And even personal issues such as constant relationship failures, addictions, and more.

The secret to the prayer is when we follow God's laws, he intervenes and helps restore our lives.

To illustrate, here is the result of a survey I did with the Prayer of Freedom...

I do volunteer teaching at an addiction recovery center. As you might imagine, these people are dealing with all kinds of issues in their lives - addictions, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, anger issues, abuse, trauma, and much more. While preparing to write this book, I wanted to statistically measure how effective this prayer is, so I did a survey with them.

I had each student in my classes make a list of issues they were dealing with in their lives, then rate each issue on an intensity scale to indicate how bad it was. Next, I had them do the Prayer of Freedom process. Once they did, they updated me on what happened in their lives. Here's what their data showed...

Nearly 9 out of 10 (90% of those surveyed) received significant relief from their issues, while the remaining 1 out of 10 reported only minimal relief.

Of the 90% who received significant relief, I broke down their results even more. Now keep in mind, these people had a lot of issues going on in their lives, much more than your average person. Most of them had been abused or abandoned, many had lived on the streets, and most had been living with multiple addictions and all the associated issues that come along with them for years.

Even with the accumulation of all these problems, all but one saw almost all of their issues completely disappear - 100% relief of everything from mental torment (heaviness, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety); addiction urges (for drugs, alcohol, pornography, and sex); all kinds of physical maladies, chronic health and pain problems they had suffered with for years; all of it... gone!

And then, for those few issues that still remained, the average intensity had been reduced to about one-third of their original levels before beginning the prayer.

That doesn't mean those remaining issues won't go away. It just means that by the end of the survey time - about one month - some issues still remained. But with continued prayer, I believe the majority will likely disappear, too.

How does this prayer work?

It simply taps into God's spiritual laws as laid out in the Bible. And when we follow his laws, he brings the relief!

In this book you'll learn about these spiritual laws and how to apply them in your life through this very specific approach to prayer. Additionally, you'll read amazing stories of what God has done in many peoples' lives. Stories that seem unbelievable... until you understand how God's spiritual laws actually work.

If you or a loved one suffers from chronic health issues, relationship issues, and even career or job related issues, based on what I've seen you have about a 90% chance to get free of them with the Prayer of Freedom!

Be blessed! Beatty Carmichael

Religion & Spirituality
October 23
Maran Ministries LLC
Ingram DV LLC