The Secret to True Happiness
Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow
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Publisher Description
For all the technology, conveniences, and advantages we experience in today's world, many of us struggle just to get through each day. After coming through what seemed like a lifetime of abuse, hardship, and oppression, Joyce Meyer has come to live every day in victory and joy. In her new book, she spreads the word that an exciting, enjoyable life is available to everyone! The breakthrough for Joyce came when she started to look at herself through God's eyes. There, she not only saw the truth about herself and changes she needed to make, but came to know His unconditional love. Joyce has packed this book with biblical principles and practical application revealing secrets she has discovered for living a full and joyful life. After reading this informative and entertaining book, you will be ready to ENJOY TODAY and EMBRACE TOMORROW.
There's nothing new or earth-shattering about Meyer's latest self-help book for Christians, but naysayers may be won over by her can-do attitude despite the unoriginal content.A bestselling author and Bible teacher with a popular daily television program, Meyer wants readers to be happy not because they have enjoyable circumstances, perfect health, fat wallets or other enviable externals, but simply because they choose to be happy.Happiness, according to Meyer, is a decision to trust in God's power, not merely in the power of one's own positive thinking.(She does, however, emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and surrounding oneself with others who do the same.)In short chapters, she discusses issues like habits, discipline, simplicity, creativity and health.She helpfully distinguishes between being busy and being "fruitful," urging readers to embrace fruitfulness and productivity.As with her other books, each chapter opens with a joke or light anecdote, then delves a little deeper with biblical examples and stories from Meyer's life, including her recovery from sexual abuse and her own struggles to be happy.