Great read
Thoroughly enjoyed this book - never realized there was a story of the story.
Thoroughly enjoyed this book - never realized there was a story of the story.
One of the best, original, compelling novels I’ve read in decades. I only wish I had known the back story of the book and movie way back then.
It’s a must read!!
This is the first review I’ve ever written - but I had to praise it . Well done.
Loved this book. Captivating and moving. Well written
I kept waiting for something exciting.
I could visualize every line of this book. What an incredible story. Please option for a movie, I have to see this on screen!
It was ok, I found it boring and slow in spots.
This could have been soooo much better
Good read
When I get to read something based on a time and place in history that I know little about, yet I feel at the end I know the people populating the story, to me that is the best intersection. Thank you Lara, and Lara.
This book kept me up way past my bedtime, I could not put in down. Set in the primarily in the ’60’s but so many of themes are relevant to today’s world.