The Story Hunter The Story Hunter

Publisher Description

Redeeming the past is a fatal quest.

In the wake of a deadly coup, the capital city of Urian has descended into chaos. Heartbreak and bloodshed await Tanwen and her friends as they discover the unlikeliest leader now rules Tir.

If they want to save the realm, Tannie and the Corsyth weavers must rescue Queen Braith and unmask the Master, ending the strife once and for all. But the success of their hunt depends upon an ally no one trusts.

The Master has a new target in sight: fragile, trauma-scarred Digwyn, whose unique weaving ability could turn the tide of any war. When the desire for vengeance proves too powerful for Digwyn to resist, Tanwen must face a terrifying truth: the fate of Tir rests in the hands of a volatile, shattered girl.

Young Adult
May 19
Enclave Escape
Draft2Digital, LLC

Customer Reviews

Seiichiro Suzuki ,

Thrilling Conclusion

This thrilling conclusion to the trilogy took my breath away and kept me turning the pages late into the night! I had a really hard time putting this down, and Franklin did an amazing job with the two new points of view we get in this book!

Tannie and the gang face even more perils as they attempt to find the person behind so many of their misfortunes, and who kidnapped the rightful ruler of Tir. Being able to see palace life from an outsider, a puppet on a throne, was an interesting perspective. And Diggy's story is so well done.

Between the magic of this world, the slow-burn romance in the background, and the redemption arcs woven throughout this conclusion, it's the perfect conclusion to the trilogy and a book I will continue to read for years to come.

TheHobbitKhaleesi ,

The PERFECT conclusion to an epic series!!!

Has it really been three months since I read this book?


Has it taken me this long to actually gather coherent thoughts other than YOU NEED TO READ THIS and various levels of screaming at the author?

Also yes.

Hooo boy. Here goes.

Tannie and our favorite gang of story pirates are back, and they’re on a mission. One that could get ALL of them killed. No pressure, right?

Braith is fighting for her throne, and there may also be some drama involving a boy...

And have I mentioned the crew on the mission includes a rather volatile weaver who has some PTSD issues?

(Lets put it this way, there was a lot of screaming of a particular name, followed by the word NO from me at the author, and it wasn’t always good screaming 😬)

There is a trigger warning in the beginning, and it’s very well said. There was definitely some content that was painful for me to read, even not having experienced such things, but they were handled very well in my opinion.

And of course, because we fangirls must have it, there was plenty #MoreMor. 😜

This series will always and forever be one of my favorites, and I’m sad to see it end, but I CAN’T WAIT for more from Lindsay Franklin.

GO READ THIS SERIES, PEOPLE. You won’t regret it. ❤️

(I received an advance copy from the publisher, all opinions are my own)

adventurous bookworm ,

Perfect End

Ahhh!!!! What did I just read? Ok, seriously, this book was the perfect conclusion to the Weaver Trilogy and did not disappoint. All my favorite characters were back!

I thought I would have a little trouble starting this because it's been so long since I've read the first two but that was not to be. It was quite easy to get back into the story and it felt as if I never left and I was able to fly through the story. Lindsay's writing style is elegant yet very easy to comprehend, never bogging the reader down with unnecessary details.

The themes mentioned throughout the book were all very important and The Story Hunter did not gloss over hurt. It placed an emphasis on the fact that everyone has a chance to do good or bad and the person has to decide.

The ending was flawless. All the loose ends were wrapped up and I couldn't be happier with how everything turned out. I'd recommend this whole series to anyone who wants a touching, heartbreaking, and healing fantasy.

Rating: 5/5

Language: N/A

Romance: a couple of kisses, mentions how one girl was abused in the past, one man tries to harm a girl

Spiritual: the characters reference the Source of their strands

Violence: sword fights, deaths, mentions where people were harmed during battle

*I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher. All thoughts are my own and a positive review was not required.

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