The Top 60 Cocktail Recipes for Great Parties and Entertainment
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- $4.99
Publisher Description
Think of this little book as the most essential, fast ‘n’ furious list of drinks in the world. While this isn’t a complete instruction booklet on how to be a professional bartender, you can definitely survive hosting your own small parties at home with this.
And while it’s great to have a full complement of bartender’s tools, it’s not necessary for the recipes in this book. You may use the usual measuring cups, spoons, and teaspoons to measure out the ingredients and make a drink. The book is divided into two parts: the first 30 recipes are classical Casablanca, including recipes for cocktails like Martini, Pink Lady and Cubana. The second part are 'newer' cocktail ideas, based on my personal experience as bartender in Ibiza.
Have fun and enjoy your self-made cocktails!