The Warding of Witch World
4.8 • 6 Ratings
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Publisher Description
It is a desperate time in Witch World. The Magestone, the key to the pandimensional gates, has been lost and now all the gates are open. In the classic series' grand finale, an infinite flood of evil is about to wash across the world as Simon Tregarth returns to lead the planet's heroes in the final war against the forces of darkness.
Though Norton (Elvenblood), born in 1912, often writes with a collaborator now, she flies solo in what's billed as the final entry in her most popular and acclaimed series, which began 33 years ago with the novel Witch World. When Alizondern nobles throw open the Gates to other worlds, allowing evil free access to the four corners of the Witch World globe, it is only through the combined heroic actions of all of the planet's disparate and uneasily allied forces of Light that its inhabitants may manage to save themselves. The novel ties together stories from the lives of many previously established characters, including Simon Tregarth, Destree, Jaelithe, the Keplian Mares, the Falconers and the Lady Frost. It also introduces a host of newcomers, such as Liara of Alizondern, who strives to right the tragedy her people have set in motion; Gruck, an otherworldly guardian from beyond the Gates who becomes companion to Destree; and Audha, a talented Sulcar girl who holds the key to Witch World's continued survival. The narrative interweaves various magical battles with a passionate striving for morality and good. Though the patchwork nature of the writing makes for an uneven read, readers already invested in this fabulous world and its enchanted characters should relish this last act in one of fantasy's most enduring spectacles.
Customer Reviews
Loose Ends Tied UP
This review was first published on Kurt's Frontier.
Things have gone all kinds of sideways in the Witch World. The Magestone, the key to the infamous gates, has been lost, opening all the gates to whatever awaits on the other side. With the potential for the forces of the Dark coming through, the people of The Witch Word must come together to close the gates permanently. Simon Tregarth returns to guide the various parties. Many heroes from all over The Witch World, from Escarp, to the Dales, even from Alizon, must answer the call to find and close the gates before it’s too late.
This is the final book of the Secrets of the Witch World trilogy.
With the loss of the Magestone, the gates have gone rogue. Already, some poor creatures have stumbled through in advertently. The Dark is summoning servants from other worlds to gain ultimate victory. The need to close these gates requires the people of the Witch World to band together. Many favorites from Escarp, Escore, and High Hallack must begin sending out parties to close the gates as the sages of Lormt search for information. Time is not on their side.
This book ties all the loose ends of the Witch Word together (though not the last Witch World story). It allows the reader to see what the protagonists from Witch World have been up to. The book follows three different parties in a search for dangerous gates, some of which the Dark is actively pursuing.