The Way of Holiness The Way of Holiness

The Way of Holiness

With Notes by the Way

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Publisher Description

From the Introduction: 

Who has not been charmed and instructed by Travel and "Incidents of Travel" in the "Holy Land" – India – Europe – America, &c.? Travelers of every variety of talent, almost from time immemorial, have transmitted through the press the result of journeyings and patient investigation. 

What has not been narrated by one, whose genius might have instigated him to particularize elaborately on the topic suited to his peculiar cast of mind, has been pictured by another, signalized for a species of investigation unthought of by his predecessor, till information suited to every grade of intellect has been so fully given, that firmness is requisite to bear up against the impression, that public sentiment may not label a new production with "thirst for book-making," "egotism"' at the like. 

Not so with the traveler to the heavenly city. A field of investigation, boundless as eternity, is before him. Earth hath its boundaries; but the inquiring, insatiate spirit of the heavenly traveler, is nowhere, in all his onward journeying, met with the interdict, "Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further." No! the inspiring insignia is blazoned at every progressive point in his pilgrimage, "Then shall ye know, if ye follow on to know." 

And yet it should not be forgotten that an enemy, subtle beyond all human conception, doth, with all his malicious agencies, "his march oppose," and is ever lurking about his heavenward way ready with well-circumstanced devices to with stand every step of an onward course. In view of such considerations, the Christian public will not deem an apology necessary for presenting a narrative of journeyings in the "Way of Holiness, with Notes by the Way." 

It will be observed, throughout, that with this traveler, the BIBLE was the all-commanding chart by which the propriety of each successive step was determined, and the work is now sent forth to the world, with the fervent prayer that its perusal may be helpful toward inspiring the reader with more confirmed views of the infinite importance and excellency of the Scriptures. 

About the author: 

Phoebe Palmer (1807-1874) is often referred to as the mother of the holiness movement. She ministered all over the world. She came from a deep Christian heritage, and her parents received fellowship in the Methodist church from John Wesley himself. No doubt, this had an impact on her spiritual life, despite many sufferings that she had to endure, to include the loss of three children. 

She spent the greater majority of her life in the United States and Canada, and was instrumental in the Third Great Awakening in 1857. 

She authored many books, including 'Incidental Illustrations of the Economy of Salvation; Its Doctrines and Duties,' 'Entire Devotion to God,' 'The Way of Holiness, with Notes by the Way,' 'Faith and Its Effects,' 'The Promise of the Father,' and 'Four Years in the Old World.'

Religion & Spirituality
September 3
Jawbone Digital
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