The Witch of Atlas
Publisher Description
The plot of The Witch of Atlas revolves around the travels and adventures of a mysterious and mythical Witch who lives in a cave on Atlas' mountain by a secret fountain and who creates a hermaphrodite "by strange art" kneading together fire and snow, a creature, Hermaphroditus, "a sexless thing", with both male and female characteristics, with pinions, or wings. A "fair Shape out of her hands did flow" because "all things together grow/ Through which the harmony of love can pass". In Greek mythology, Hermaphrodite was the offspring of Hermes and Aphrodite.
Customer Reviews
No title
Good. Oh my gosh this book came out in 1822!!!!
Darla tuck
The authors name is PERCY!!
Ok I haven't read this but I love Greek myth ( the authors name is Percy )
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