This is That!
Personal Experiences, Sermons and Writings of Aimee Semple McPherson
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Publisher Description
"But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel..." –Acts 2:16
These words, proclaimed by Peter some two-thousand years ago were spoken to shut the mouths of those who opposed the Pentecostal power that rained down on the followers of Jesus. This same verse was used by Aimee Semple McPherson to discuss that same power that her ministry was marked by. Healing followed her, as did the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the Biblical evidence of speaking in tongues.
This book is truly a great collection of her life, her teachings, and testimonies of those who were blessed by her ministry.
This volume contains a memoir of sorts, detailing her early life and ministry, over 40 sermons, and 18 different messages that came by prophecy or interpretation of tongues during her meetings.
In addition, it comes with every image that was included in the original 1920 edition, and also a fully-functional Table of Contents (in the back) to help you jump from place to place.
From the author's preface:
The realization that Jesus is coming soon and that whatever is done must be done quickly, has put a "hurry-up" in my soul to get the message to the greatest number of people in the shortest possible time by every available means.
Sometimes when laboring in certain portions of the Master's vineyard, we have felt that we were reaching many, but when, under the burden of prayer, the Lord catches us up in the Spirit, and with clarified vision and broadened horizon we see earth's millions who are yet unconscious of the signs of the times and know not that the coming of the Lord is nigh at hand, we are overwhelmed with the desire to speed through the lands, and ring the message forth — "Jesus is coming soon — prepare to meet him!" Oh, that we might write it in flaming letters upon the sky! It is to this end, therefore, that this book is sent forth.
Part I — Personal Testimony — simply written and solely for the encouragement of others, knowing that what the Lord has so graciously done for one so unworthy, He is abundantly able and willing to do for all.
Part II — "In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established."
Part III — Sermons and Writings — contains a message to the sinner; — to the born-again soul who has not yet received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and to the baptized believer who is pressing on to perfection.
Part IV — Visions, Prophecies, and interpretations of messages which the Lord has given me in the Spirit and which have been of such value and blessing to ourselves and others; we realize them too precious to be lost.
He bade me go forth taking no thought what I should eat or drink or wherewith I should be clothed, assured that He who had commissioned me to go into all the world and preach the Gospel knew, and would supply every need according to His riches.
We have never known what it was to have any earthly board behind us or any one person to whom we could look for support, yet God has marvelously supplied our every need.
Will the reader pardon mistakes and look more at the spirit in which the book is written than at errors in composition? It is doubtful whether any other book has been written under similar circumstances. I have had no quiet study into which to retire and close the door to the world and countlessinterruptions. Each page has been written in spare moments, amidst the stress of meetings, playing, singing, preaching, and working at the altar, besides traveling far and wide with the Gospel car. The opening chapters were written in Florida, and the work has been continued en route from there to New York, the New England states, and thence across the continent to California.
Though the reader and the writer may never meet in this present life, this book goes from my hand and heart with the earnest prayer and hope that we shall rise together to meet the Lord in the clouds of glory, when Jesus shall appear.