Time Out for Foreplay: This Is Not a Rehearsal
An Intimate Relationship With God
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Publisher Description
Terrie M. Williams was born and raised in . She is currently a resident in . She received her B.A. in Public Administration from Trenton State College. She is the mother of two beautiful children. Orel, daughter, age 13 and son Qyreen, age 11. Terrie is an ordained minister an in the Wings of Faith Chariots of Fire Ministries.
Her goal is that this book would exalt God and help others work out their own soul salvation; crucifying flesh and putting on the whole spiritual man. This is a family book with entries for children by children.
Something missing, something broken. Spiritually frustrated, sexually frustrated, busted and disgusted. Searching for love and intimacy in all the wrong places and in all the wrong people.
Can someone explain to me, what love really is? Love conquers all fearsfear of growing old, fear of being left alone, fear of not experiencing true love. How can we identify with our self, without loving our self in someone else or something else? Whether it is sex, money, shopping, food and vacations, etc
Frequently we get the teaching putting on the whole Armor of God but seldom do we ever hear how to crucify the flesh when one is broken-hearted and frustrated in every way possible.
This book attempts to address plots of the devil while uncovering what true love is and the importance of having an intimate relationship with God.