Was Lost and is Found
A Life to Die For
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Publisher Description
In 2008, my life hit rock bottom, and I had had enough! I found myself on the couch meditating, There’s got to be more than this, or I don’t want to be here. In those moments, a peace overtook me, and I knew something had changed. People have told me that I was knocking on heaven’s door, and the Lord opened it, even though I had no idea what had happened. Jesus is my Lord, and the Holy Spirit had been shadowing and leading me those past eight months to this truth. My spirit, soul, and body were all in! This was the “more” that I had been missing! I was spiritually starved (had no idea what spiritual even meant) and began eating the Word morning, noon, and night continually. I began taking notes of Joyce Meyer and Creflo Dollars programs (my mentors) and reading spiritual books by the dozens. I found myself doing outlines of them and had no idea why. Three months in, a voice spoke to me from out of nowhere. I turned completely around in a circle but saw no one. My Father said, “Write books to help others as you have found help.” I argued with Him and said, “I can’t. I don’t know how.” He said, “Use your notes,” and I said, “Oh, okay,” and immediately started going through my notes and putting this book together that you are now holding in your hands. My prayer for you is that you will read this book and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into a new place where you find help, wholeness, and a life that is worth living.