when a Patient Suffers from Care--Nurses'characterization of Patients' Suffering Related to Care/Da Patienten Lider Av Varden--Vardares Gestaltning Av Patientens Vardlidande (Nursing Science/Skyepleievitenskap/Omvardnasdsforskning) (Report) when a Patient Suffers from Care--Nurses'characterization of Patients' Suffering Related to Care/Da Patienten Lider Av Varden--Vardares Gestaltning Av Patientens Vardlidande (Nursing Science/Skyepleievitenskap/Omvardnasdsforskning) (Report)

when a Patient Suffers from Care--Nurses'characterization of Patients' Suffering Related to Care/Da Patienten Lider Av Varden--Vardares Gestaltning Av Patientens Vardlidande (Nursing Science/Skyepleievitenskap/Omvardnasdsforskning) (Report‪)‬

Nursing Science & Research in the Nordic Countries 2008, Summer, 28, 2

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Publisher Description

ABSTRACT The occurrence of suffering related to care, suffering beyond what illness causes and which is brought about by the nurse-patient relationship, constitutes an ethical challenge for Caring Science. The purpose of this study is to describe how nurses characterize patients' suffering related to care as well as how suffering related to care can be prevented. In this study, latent content analysis is used to assess nurses' thoughts pertaining to patients' suffering related to care within various care contexts. The study results show that a rigid organization, an inflexible caring culture, or an unreflective care relationship can contribute to the emergence of suffering related to care. In order to prevent such, nurses' emphasize their personal responsibility to influence the organization that they work for and their part in consciously creating a caritative caring culture. When establishing a caring relationship, nurses stress the importance of reflecting on the inequalities of care relationships, recognize a patient's suffering in care, as well as strive to use Caring Science's fundamental values and knowledge when caring for a patient. Further studies could address suffering related to care's possible connection to society's view of humans and how people think and speak of patients.

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