When I Went Out One Summer's Morn
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Publisher Description
From California to communist eastern Europe, from Alaska to Arabia, from Paris to Peking, these travel tales span the globe and contain both high drama and small moments. A Red Army soldier pulls a knife on the Trans-Siberian Railway. A foggy evening in San Francisco and an arguement about what the word 'penultimate' means. A voyage across the Atlantic Ocean on a cargo ship. A girl met on a train while crossing the Iron Curtain. A record-breaking drive up to the Arctic Ocean in Alaska. Bicycling in Beijing. Arrest and interrogation by the Stasi in East Berlin. A Polish princess hitchhiking in the south of France. All this and more is recounted in When I Went Out One Summer's Morn, Rob Godfrey's memoir of 20 years of travels.
The story titles are as follows: 1) New York harbour after 15 days at sea. 2) Romania under Ceausescu. 3) Out of work, broke and seven thousand miles from home. 4) Ersatz Bond. 5) Mr Mouse’s 50th Birthday. 6) Down and out in Paris and Rotterdam. 7) The Commissar of Calgary. 8) Hookers and Hustlers in Marrakesh. 9) Dying Poets in the Desert. 10) Calgary, 12 years later. 11) The Great Railway Bazaar. 12) Dance in the Old Fashioned Way. 13) Jamie the Love Doll. 14) Everyone has an Aeroflot story. 15) Four Dollar Gallon of Wine. 16) A Mid-Atlantic Barbecue and Boat Drill. 17) Drug smugglers on the Tangier ferry. 18) The northernmost truck stop in the world. 19) An incident at Friedrichstrasse Station. 20) Filthy Lucre. 21) Hitchhiking and the Polish Princess. 22) Luck be a lady tonight.