When the Day Comes
4.4 • 18 Ratings
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Publisher Description
How will she choose, knowing all she must sacrifice?
Libby has been given a powerful gift: to live one life in 1774 Colonial Williamsburg and the other in 1914 Gilded Age New York City. When she falls asleep in one life, she wakes up in the other. While she's the same person at her core in both times, she's leading two vastly different lives.
In Colonial Williamsburg, Libby is a public printer for the House of Burgesses and the Royal Governor, trying to provide for her family and support the Patriot cause. The man she loves, Henry Montgomery, has his own secrets. As the revolution draws near, both their lives--and any hope of love--are put in jeopardy.
Libby's life in 1914 New York is filled with wealth, drawing room conversations, and bachelors. But the only work she cares about--women's suffrage--is discouraged, and her mother is intent on marrying her off to an English marquess. The growing talk of war in Europe only complicates matters.
But Libby knows she's not destined to live two lives forever. On her twenty-first birthday, she must choose one path and forfeit the other--but how can she choose when she has so much to lose in each life?
Customer Reviews
Let go and let God…
We couldn’t change history, but we did know how it played out.
Libby Conant, like her mother before her, along with generations before them, had a unique birthmark that set them aside from those around them. They were known as time-crossers — at least among themselves. After all, who would believe that you could fall asleep in one year, wake up in another and not have missed any time? Perhaps the hardest part was the fact that you knew some of how history would unfold when you returned to the earlier time but you couldn’t stop those things from happening.
The author has done a fabulous job of taking us between 1774 and the beginning of the revolutionary war and 1914 with the beginning of WWI. The well developed characters give us a look into what it must have been like back in 1774 when the colonists were tired of more and more restrictions coming from Britain. One has to wonder which side we would have joined… Learning to take what was given and make the best of it, was a lesson that was hard to learn.
This ARC of the first Timeless book was received through Baker Publishing Group, Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley. These thoughts and impressions are my own and were in no way solicited.