Why Martial Arts Can Positively Change Lives
4.9 • 15 Ratings
Publisher Description
Why Martial Arts Can Positively Change Your Life is a book is about martial arts and how they can make your life better. It is written by a Master Instructor as a quick read for those seeking martial arts training in their community.
Customer Reviews
Captivating Read!!
When I first started out at the Princess Anne Changing Lives Martial Arts in Virginia Beach, Va as a student under Master Tracy Lee Thomas my goal was to just get in shape with Krav Maga, but shortly after joining I found myself wanting to learn more, so joined Taekwondo. From there I was hooked, it wasn't just about me getting in shape anymore, I wanted to learn about the arts, the traditions and be apart of the Changing Lives Martial Arts team. Since I have been able to make a career out of martial arts and I love what I've been able to accomplish for me and my family. I feel like I'm living proof that this book really can positively change lives.
Great Read!
Master Thomas has put on paper in a concise way how the martial arts can positively effect you and your family's lives. Master Thomas' knowledge of the martial arts both on a student level and for the business owner is an invaluable resource. He has step by step answers that point you in the right direction. If you are looking for an activity and are considering the martial arts I highly reccomend this new book, you will be calling to make an appointment before you make it to the last page!
Excellent points and advice
As an Instructor Trainee and Second Degree Black Belt, this should be required reading for anyone in martial arts now, thinking of learning a martial arts and part of the Leadership curriculum within my own ATA system of training. We as martial artists know much of what Master Thomas talks about in the text, but sometimes have a hard time explaining to some potential students, parents or even to other athletes. Thanks so much for sharing Sir.
-Doug Williams, 2nd degree BB, ATA Taekwondo, Rosenberg, Tx.