Write a Book in Two Hours Write a Book in Two Hours

Write a Book in Two Hours

How to Write a Book, Novel, or Children’s Book in Far Less than 30 Days

    • 4.8 • 22 Ratings

Publisher Description

Who else wants their dream book written today?

If you can speak out loud, then YOU have what it takes to become a lightning-fast, bestselling author.

Most people dream of writing a book, but those manuscripts end up shoved away in dusty drawers, half-finished and abandoned to be eaten by moths.

Many of them are great writers, many of them have great ideas. Yet so many people come to the conclusion that they'll never finish their books.

Why? Because they aren't following a proven system.

Maybe this is you right now.

Maybe you believe that you're not good enough, that you'll never have enough time, or that it's a terrible book idea.

You wonder how on earth other people manage to find time to write alongside their jobs, family and other commitments.

But the assumption that writing is a slow process and books take six months or years to write is outdated.

You can easily increase your efficiency three to four times MORE by using this system. As much value as there is in quality, quantity also plays a significant factor.

The days where you need to have access to expensive or special equipment are gone.

And one of the fastest ways to become profitable as an author nowadays is to write faster.

Let me show you how you can hit the finish line at record speed.Every. Single. Time.

This is the same system that allows me to spend more time with my family, earn more money and accomplish four times the amount of work in the same eight hours a day.

It’s allowed me to release books on an exponential scale, to set goals of writing fifty books per year.

This book was written using the same strategy.  It can be done.

And now you can do the same.

This ISN’T a book you read for inspiration and walk away feeling good. This is a book about taking ACTION. I want you to be generating MORE CONTENT THAN YOU EVEN NEED.

What you will walk away with...

Learn The Conveyor Belt Method: The step-by-step process which will give you an unshakeable FOUNDATION for your writing career

Become One With Your Creative Mind: How to become so efficient with your methodology that you can AVOID writer's block entirely

Master Your Location Independence: The secret writing anytime and ANYWHERE you want!

Harness Your Long Term Sales: Get the exact ingredients you need to capture your readers for good and turn them into lifelong fans!

Imagine if...

Writing books was no longer a struggle and you could churn out bestsellers on a whim

You could write a book in your spare time and don't need to fight against your other commitments

You could come up with an idea in the morning, plan out your content and have your first draft FINISHED by the afternoon!

Don't let your book rot in a drawer like all the rest.

Your time is NOW.

You could have the book you've always dreamed of writing in your hands TODAY.

Begin your journey by clicking the button above.

June 1
Dragon God Books
Dragon God Inc

Customer Reviews

Damien l'Angel ,

Great book

I like the professional way Jonathan drives each step of his teaching.

LJKHill ,

Write a book in 2 hours

Very informative. Well written. Enjoyable.

Bachata17 ,

Easy read with tons of resources

If you're interested in starting your authorship journey in the ebook world, this book is packed with resources. Jonathan goes into different tools available to facilitate the writing and publishing process. He also covers several strategies to become a profitable writer with the least time investment. I would recommend to read this book and try the tools as they are introduced, so you can decide for yourself which will work for your style of writing. The first book of this series is a wonderful complement to Jonathan's Authorship video course.

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