You Are Never Alone You Are Never Alone

You Are Never Alone

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Publisher Description

YOU ARE NEVER ALONE is for all spiritual seekers.

Not a one of us is ever alone. We all came into this lifetime on Earth accompanied by a host of loving, understanding Spirit friends, who are with us every moment of every day and night, waiting patiently to assure us that no matter how lost and alone we feel, we are truly not alone; we are, in fact, loved, cared for, and protected forever. How marvelous to know that gentle, compassionate, loving guidance is as close as the air we breathe! We have only to listen for the voices of our Spirit friends, who want to help us remember the Real Spiritual Truth of our God-created Beings.

Like many of you, I grew up in a confusing, tumultuous home filled not with loving support and encouragement, but with anger, hatred, and abuse. As a child and teenager, I believed the only way to escape was to leave home and go off on my own. I managed to put myself through college and was thrilled to begin a career in my chosen field, yet, inside, I still did not feel the way I wanted to feel. In desperation, I began to search for a way to heal the anxiety and depression I was suffering from. My path to wholeness was not easy and back then, not a great deal of help was available. Eventually, I did find answers and over the years, have evolved from the frightened lost soul I used to be . . . the scared young woman who was afraid to speak up, or even to feel my own feelings . . . to one who can relax and even assert herself when necessary. By learning how to communicate with my loving Spirit Guides and to know that my Guardian Angels are always nearby to help and protect me, fear is no longer a part of my life. I now feel confident and assured of my rightful place in this magnificent Universe that God created for each of us to enjoy!

Many wonderful books on this subject have already been written. However, in my quest to uncover the truth, I found that too often they generally just tell the seeker where they "should" be in their spiritual journey and how they "should" be feeling. Because I was not yet "there" I came away feeling guilty for my failure to already be the person the author declared I should be.

The Gentle Reminders in YOU ARE NEVER ALONE remind you of the Truths that, deep down in your heart, you already know. But because we have all spent many years and lifetimes wandering around in the dark, our human hearts and minds are filled with a host of unexamined beliefs, painful memories, guilt over past failures, and faded dreams for a better future. Most of the Gentle Reminders in YOU ARE NEVER ALONE were given to me by my Spirit Friends. All will gently help you recognize how your old unhealthy beliefs are no longer serving you; and how to bring them to conscious awareness to be transformed by love.

These Spiritual Truths will help you as they have helped me. They will allow you to relax and enjoy a peaceful, love-filled life. No matter where you are now on your spiritual journey, these Gentle Reminders will lovingly guide and lead you along the path to your True Divine Destiny. A peaceful, joyous, life upon this Earth is right now awaiting your discovery. The Gentle Reminders in YOU ARE NEVER ALONE will truly help you. May God bless and comfort each of you as you search out the truths you seek.

"This book touched me deeply. Wonderful and thoughtful. You will be glad you read it." --5 Star Review.

"A great read that needs to be recognized. It serves as a self help guide to remembering who we truly are. I often turn to this book when I find myself feeling overwhelmed." --5 Star Review.

YOU ARE NEVER ALONE is also available in print from major online bookstores.

Health, Mind & Body
August 30
Marilyn Clay
Draft2Digital, LLC
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