You Gonna Finish That Dragon?
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Publisher Description
"Barry Parham's knee-slapping spoofs cut to the funny bone in "You Gonna Finish That Dragon?", a superb mix of cutting-edge humor and scathing common-sense truths."
In his seventh critically-acclaimed collection, Parham points his Pardon Me?-o-meter at American culture science, men & women, ferret owners, and why Paul Revere was a lousy dentist.
Barry Parham is the award-winning author of humor columns, essays and short stories. He is a recovering software freelancer and a music fanatic.
Parham is the author of the 2009 sleeper, "Why I Hate Straws," his debut collection of humor and satire including the award-winning stories, 'Going Green, Seeing Red' & 'Driving Miss Conception.'
In October 2010, Parham published "Sorry, We Can't Use Funny," another award-winning collection of general-topic satire and humor, and the more targeted "Blush: Politics and other unnatural acts." He followed up in 2011 with "The Middle-Age of Aquarius," a growing-old-but-not-so-gracefully vehicle for the award-winners 'Comfortably Dumb,' 'Snowblind' and 'The Zodiac Buzz-Killer.'
"Full Frontal Stupidity" (2012), Parham's 5th collection of humor, satire and observations, features more award-winning stories, including 'Skirts vs. Skins' and 'Scenes From a Maul.'
Most recently, the author released "It's, Like, America and Stuff" -- an innovative two-book trilogy -- but not at the same time. The satirical set is comprised of the separate titles "Chariots of Ire" and "You Gonna Finish That Dragon?"
Parham's work has also been featured in three national humor anthologies:
"My Funny Valentine" (2011)
"Open Doors: Fractured Fairy Tales" (2012)
"My Funny Major Medical" (2012)