Studies in Canadian Military History

James Wood y otros
Serie • 26 libros • Historia militar
Canada and the Korean War Canada and the Korean War
Andrew Burtch & Tim Cook
Boosters and Barkers Boosters and Barkers
David Roberts
Silent Partners Silent Partners
Alex Souchen & Matthew S. Wiseman
Building the Army’s Backbone Building the Army’s Backbone
Andrew L. Brown
Scandalous Conduct Scandalous Conduct
Matthew Barrett
Portraits of Battle Portraits of Battle
Peter Farrugia & Evan J. Habkirk
An Army of Never-Ending Strength An Army of Never-Ending Strength
Arthur W. Gullachsen
Canada 1919 Canada 1919
Tim Cook & J.L. Granatstein
Contact!Unload Contact!Unload
George Belliveau & Graham W. Lea
Making the Best of It Making the Best of It
Sarah Glassford & Amy J. Shaw