Theodore Roosevelt: The Inspirational Life Story of Theodore Roosevelt; Cowboy, Politician, and Creator of the Bully Pulpit Theodore Roosevelt: The Inspirational Life Story of Theodore Roosevelt; Cowboy, Politician, and Creator of the Bully Pulpit

Theodore Roosevelt: The Inspirational Life Story of Theodore Roosevelt; Cowboy, Politician, and Creator of the Bully Pulpit

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Theodore Roosevelt

The Inspirational Life Story of Theodore Roosevelt; Cowboy, Politician, and Creator of the Bully Pulpit

By Patrick Bunker

Theodore Roosevelt was the 25th President of the United States of America. This was only one of the many major accomplishments this man made in his productive life. The story of Roosevelt’s life has inspired many people to make great accomplishments.
Roosevelt was born into a wealthy family, but this did not mean he would have an easy life. He suffered from health problems at an early age. As a child he learned that he would have to work a lot harder than most people.
This book will teach you about the life of this great leader. The story of Roosevelt’s life will show you how anyone has the ability to work hard and achieve their goals. You will learn about this man’s life from a perspective that is not biased by politics.
This book was not written to imply that any political action is right or wrong. Roosevelt’s political opinions were not nearly as important as his philanthropic objectives. His main objective was to improve the lives of the people that were not in a position to do so on their own.
Political power was simply a tool that Roosevelt used to achieve his humanitarian goals. He understood the most effective way to get things done. When Theodore Roosevelt had his mind set on something, he would not stop until he reached his goal.

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19 de marzo
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