Subject 18 Subject 18

Subject 18

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Who Invented the Subject?

Better.  Best?  What is a subject?  A topic.  It is more than a topic.  Who conglomerated a topic?  Questions.  The subject is about art.  Subject is art.   Art is the subject.  Therefore this is about art.  Not a technique that is used widely; but throttles and bobbles and cuts deep.  Texture and suppose texture give body, but not strength.  It was time to work again.  Majestically, the author of something places 4 5 x 5 canvases in a row.  This was the pop.  This was the journey and from start to start, no deed ever finished.  

This is about an art project.  Four canvases.  One headlong moment and another undesirable art project.  It was a type of manic display to see large art and the journey.  Journey was short, price was double the canvas.  One early morning and a bazar to attend.  

The clock the night before was set for 4:00.  The smell of smelt lacquer and paint oozed the air.  It was morning, so slightly cooler than mid-day.  At 4:05 Daniel H. made a sound of zipping the coveralls and donning a plastic fume-less hood.  It was black.  The black of a mid-morning fiasco required water.  Lots of water and soft dough breakfast.  The black of morning would lead to a blue midnight color in the clouds.  As they drooped; each cloud was necessary for the overall aesthetic.  The introduction was like a broken lullaby.  Song, yes.  Better.  Best?  It was early; this author had time to think of motif, color, structure, sub-structure, form, re-froms and molds.  It was the passion of the artist that gave life to his stable paintings.  The canvases were watered with art past and it was time to repaint, resend, retry and completely pay rent.  That was what art was about.  Well, it was about a lot of things, however it was not about selling out, choking competition nor urban blasphemy,  To take, to take and to take the world and divulge nothing.   It was early.  The midnight blue was coming as a reflection from the clouds and sun.  The white paint began to be lathered upon the sky canvases.  They were from ghosts past and future.   These canvases were torn and been painted over, several - several times.   Now it was time to create and se;; at the bazar.   Today was the 15th. 


Perhaps, favorably should be another word for science.  This does not make sense at first sight or read.  Why?  Favoring one item or the next is not exact.  Favorably, one should select science as a given; not as a genre.  Science and the productivity of scientific classrooms is persevering.  The reason is that it crams something that is not known and makes it known.  Whether, or not intelligence or perseverance can take you there.  

Perhaps, favorably should be another word for science.  This does not make sense at first read.  To explain further…

Favorably is an adverb.  It describes, more or less a verb.  

Favorably, science is productivity and hard-strife.  The willingness to see something and manifest it are difficult and strong.  The different approach one uses would lead this to be a “ rote ” manuscript.  

Science and more specifically the questions that we ask ourselves are far more important.  

“  The other day I engaged a conversation about where color in society was headed. ”  The important thing was that this was a conversation that could be ramped up and beveled, alike.  Or is the word; leveled.  Science and the scientific process are about failure and re-tests, experimentation.  Without re-trials and re-formations; society and science will still stay retroactive.  Perhaps, society needs to be aligned with science.  This was not intended to divulge that they are indeed parallels.  If society had science; all encompassing, then everyone would know “ acetate ” or “ DMF ”.   Or, on the contrary; if science had society, what would be different?  Now, one can understand the power of words and the power of manipulating words.  There is a difference, yet parallel.  More or less; the essence of creating a large deal of science related documents on science, scene science and society begins with how one questions.  “ Could they remember last night’s results? ”  Correct.  Does society dictate science; or the turnaround.  There are options, but to compare the two as parallels is recognizable.  It is the distinct attitude of the questions process requires.  How one inflects or how one manifests the question is “ do-able “.  There is more.  It drives deeper.  From radical discoveries to strange insects in the remote; science most likely does not dictate society, however it could.  Operation of time and time suspects that society is going to win.  Proverbially, speaking the tumble of life and turmoil is science and society, alike.  

It was sagging and putrid.  Not as a human-being, organism.  Trapped in an ecosystem is societal.  Just the same as society exited; it entered.  The argument is one sided with a caveat.  This caveat is that definitions and label exit just as fast as they enter.  Enter unto; upon exit.


Forever.  Forever.  Forever and that was really it.  

Science is the term.  It was society that named science and that was the only thing.  Forever and that was really it.  The determinate factor is that persistent work is that…persistence and captivation make societies “ science ”.  Outside and the cunning persistence of truth.  Truth that “ DMF ” is not “ DMSO ” or another type of solvent, however classes of things will be more similar than that of more rare-er types.  For example, addition is not substitution.  Substitution is not an eternal action.  It can be terminal.  Addition is not just add-on in organic chemistry; it is more.  Addition will place and create a stop/exchange intramolecularly.  Etc.  Society?  Societal defined that because society is grander.  Hence a parallel.  Further discussing that object makes it rarer.  That is the conceptual idea between the parallel.  Inside the parallel is the strength to see that society will decimate and relocate ( somewhere in history ).   Linguistics change and tongues change and slang forms; science and questioning can be stationary.  That is constant.  Like the evolution of zero and the concept that something that is one is a perceived increase.  Like the evolution of zero and the concept that something that is one is a perceived decrease; taking the creation-ary ethics of science to a mainstream “ society ”.  It was novel in pursuit, but the reality was that more existed in society than the questions about society itself.  Time.  That is strange that society can create and that scene-science created, as well.  Space.  Higher places and trapped in ecosystems was a structural motif, not an obsolete motif.  Rather, obstacles in science are achievable.  They are questions.  Questions are super great.  Great.  Time.

Questions.  Lots of them.  Great.  Nope, time.

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