Effects of Supplementary Threonine, Canola Oil Or Enzyme on Nutrient Digestibility, Performance and Carcass Traits of Growing-Finishing Pigs Fed Diets Containing Wheat Distillers Grains with Solubles (Report) Effects of Supplementary Threonine, Canola Oil Or Enzyme on Nutrient Digestibility, Performance and Carcass Traits of Growing-Finishing Pigs Fed Diets Containing Wheat Distillers Grains with Solubles (Report)

Effects of Supplementary Threonine, Canola Oil Or Enzyme on Nutrient Digestibility, Performance and Carcass Traits of Growing-Finishing Pigs Fed Diets Containing Wheat Distillers Grains with Solubles (Report‪)‬

Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2009, Dec, 22, 12

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Publisher Description

INTRODUCTION There is increasing interest in using cereal grains to produce ethanol for use in motor fuel. In order to produce ethanol, grain is milled, mixed with water and cooked (Shurson et al., 2004). Enzymes are added to the mixture to convert starch to sugar and the sugar is fermented by the addition of yeast (Ingledew, 1993). After complete fermentation, the ethanol is removed by distillation and the remaining fermentation residues are dried and used for livestock feed (Shurson et al., 2004). Historically, two residual products have been produced during ethanol production, namely distiller's dried grains and distiller's dried solubles. However, most ethanol plants now blend these two residues in order to produce distiller's dried grains with solubles and they are the most common byproduct available from the ethanol industry.

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Asian - Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
The Gale Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation and an affiliate of Cengage Learning, Inc.
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