Nations to Nations: Indigenous Voices at Library and Archives Canada
3.9 • 19 Ratings
Publisher Description
Nations to Nations: Indigenous Voices at Library and Archives Canada is the first publication of its kind, featuring 28 essays by First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation authors. Where possible, the texts are presented in the Indigenous language spoken by the people represented in each essay; they are also available in English. The multimedia content featured in this visually engaging e-book was chosen by the authors based on their personal connections to the archival and published material. This includes journals, maps, artwork, photographs, publications and audiovisual recordings from the collections at Library and Archives Canada. Each essay showcases a variety of media that has been recontextualized by the authors, providing unique perspectives that challenge the dominant narrative. This e-book demonstrates the diversity of histories, languages and cultures of Indigenous peoples. For any questions, comments, feedback or suggestions, send an email to autochtones-indigenous@bac-lac.gc.ca

Customer Reviews
This free ebook should be forwarded to every single teacher in Canada! Interactive links to interviews, photos, videos, maps and more! What an excellent collective resource! Well done!