The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer

    • 4.1 • 30 Ratings

Publisher Description

This book is included as a single chapter in our book "General Application of the Who Told You Principle. Repent and Overcome or Else....". So make sure to save your money and to not buy double!!
Have you ever prayed and wondered why nothing seems to be happening? I did, for many years! God is omnipresent, He is always listening. It is not that He doesn't hear you. It has much more to do with how we pray. Many people pray with a shotgun approach: "If I throw as many holy sounding words and thank you-s into the mix, maybe it will work this time". Yet Christ taught us a very simple looking prayer, The Lord's Prayer, that most of us have learned at some point in our life. Christ also warned us about using fancy words, and using vain repetitions praying. That is one way how we would follow Him with our mouth, not with our hearts. So how are we doing with our prayers? Looking at the Godly miracles that happen in the world of Christianity, we might need to go back to basics by understanding The Lord's Prayer in all it's glory and power. Because if you truly understand The Lord's Prayer, it will show you all you need to know about your connection with God. It will show you that The Lord's Prayer is a "Blood, Sweat and Tears" prayer of fear of God. It sums up the power of the Bible in just a few verses, ready to let God do what He does best. Care, Love, Heal, Forgive. But you have to understand in order to become Free From Bondage.

Health, Mind & Body
May 18
Free From Bondage Ministry
Draft2Digital, LLC

Customer Reviews

Supremess ,

Life changing book

I really have not read any Christian book like this for a long time. It really shows how foolish I have been before God. Also, I can feel that God's love is unconditional and that I will never understand how much He loves me. Thank you for the great book and I recommend it for all Christian readers out there!

Guest13796831849 ,

Great Book

Great Book

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