The Foreclosure Purchase by the Equity of Redemption Holder Or Other Junior Interests: When Should Principles of Fairness and Morality Trump Normal Priority Rules?(Symposium: A Festschrift in Honor of Dale A. Whitman) The Foreclosure Purchase by the Equity of Redemption Holder Or Other Junior Interests: When Should Principles of Fairness and Morality Trump Normal Priority Rules?(Symposium: A Festschrift in Honor of Dale A. Whitman)

The Foreclosure Purchase by the Equity of Redemption Holder Or Other Junior Interests: When Should Principles of Fairness and Morality Trump Normal Priority Rules?(Symposium: A Festschrift in Honor of Dale A. Whitman‪)‬

Missouri Law Review 2007, Fall, 72, 4

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Descripción editorial

I. INTRODUCTION I am both delighted and honored to be able to participate in this celebration of Dale Whitman's forty years as an outstanding teacher, dean and scholar. Our relationship goes back to 1973, when Roger Noreen, a vice president at West Publishing Co (now West Group) asked the two of us to consider doing a real estate finance casebook together. Dale and I had never met, but within a few days we had a long telephone conversation during which we agreed to collaborate on the casebook project. As they say, "the rest is history." The Nelsons have enjoyed an almost thirty-five year close friendship with Dale and his family. I have been equally blessed by a long and fruitful professional partnership during which Dale and I have worked together on numerous books and articles and as co-reporters on the Restatement (Third) of Property: Mortgages. Needless to say, Roger Noreen had a major impact on our lives.

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22 de septiembre
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