Lose Weight with Three Brainwave Music Recordings: Alpha, Theta, Delta -for Three Different Sessions Lose Weight with Three Brainwave Music Recordings: Alpha, Theta, Delta -for Three Different Sessions

Lose Weight with Three Brainwave Music Recordings: Alpha, Theta, Delta -for Three Different Sessions

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Publisher Description

Lose Weight -with Three Brainwave Music Recordings -Alpha, Theta, Delta -for Three Different Sessions. Losing weight is a battle that many of us fight for years with little success, endlessly trying the latest fad diets, trying to eat the right food, and trying to exercise as much as possible. But many of us fail and quickly return to our old comfort eating habits and our old weight! But help is at hands! Now is the time to fight back, stop buying all those nonsense and start using a proven program to help you maximize the two most important tools currently at your disposal... with no pills, no complex diets, no injections, no long and painful hours spent at the gym..., but power of your mind and the ability to take control of your habits with this self-hypnosis recording.

1) One recording for Alpha (7-13Hz) – The Deep Relaxation and Light Meditation WaveAlpha brain waves are present in deep relaxation and usually when the eyes are closed, when you’re slipping into a lovely daydream or during light meditation. It is an optimal time to program the mind for success and it also heightens your imagination, visualization, memory, learning and concentration.

2) One recording for Theta (4-7Hz) – The Deep Meditation and Light Sleep WaveTheta brain waves are present during deep meditation and light sleep. It is the realm of your sub-consciousness and experienced as you drift off to sleep from Alpha or wake from deep sleep (from Delta). It is the brain wave where our minds can connect to the Divine and manifest changes in the material world. Your mind’s most deep-seated programs are at Theta and it is where you experience vivid visualizations, great inspiration, profound creativity and exceptional insight.

3) One recording for Delta (0.5-4Hz) – The Deep Sleep WaveThe Delta frequency is experienced in deep sleep, transcendental meditation where awareness is fully detached. Delta is the realm of your unconscious mind, and the gateway to the universal mind and the collective unconscious, where information received is otherwise unavailable at the conscious level. Among many things, deep sleep is important for the healing process – as it’s linked with deep healing and regeneration. Hence, not having enough deep sleep is detrimental to your health in many ways.

Randy Charach is a US based Canadian Celebrity Hypnotherapist, Public Speaker, with over 25 years of experience. His clients include John Travolta, Tony Curtis, Sean Penn, as well as hundreds of others. As a public speaker, he had addressed audiences at companies like Microsoft, AT&T, Coca cola, Disney, IBM and Xerox and many other satisfied clients all over the world. Simply the best!

Randy Charach
hr min
29 July
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