Stop Drinking Alcohol: Be Alcohol Free Now with Hypnosis
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Publisher Description
Do you, or someone you love, have problems with alcohol? Are you afraid to admit it, but you think your partner is an alcoholic? Is it time to be alcohol free and forever sober? Hypnotherapy can help you! Dr. Jan's Stop Drinking Alcohol: Be Alcohol Free Now hypnosis audio can help anyone say no to alcohol and be alcohol free. Enjoy being healthy and proud of your decision to have a healthy body and happy mind forever.
Make smart choices for your success. Be successful and be proud that you save a lot of money every year and have so much more rewarding times on your hands. Dr. Jan's Stop Drinking Alcohol hypnosis audio is the result of many years success with clients. Hypnotherapy can help you! You must lose the inappropriate association of: going out to dinner to get drunk, going off to social gatherings to get drunk, going off with mates to get drunk.
You must break the association with: drinking alcohol for fun, drinking alcohol to celebrate, drinking alcohol to commiserate or grieve, drinking alcohol for inspiration, drinking alcohol kidding yourself it's for clear thinking, drinking alcohol for relief from stress, bitterness or disappointment, drinking alcohol for a feeling of acceptance and belonging, drinking alcohol to heighten the pleasure of music, drinking alcohol "to find that magical place."
The benefits of ceasing to abuse alcohol include: not overspending on alcohol so you save money, not overspending on food, etc, to legitimize spending on alcohol!, not overspending like a deranged, pathetic philanthropist when drunk, not prodigally shouting when drunk, getting sharp, getting your memory back, getting your wit back, improving your health and longevity, improving your appearance, being proud, yet again, of beating something that could have compromised you.
The consequences of not stopping drinking alcohol now include: ruining your relationship, ruining your family, risk of losing home and having to start again, ruining your mind and memory, ruining your health and appearance, setting a ruinous example for your children, having a life of shame and bitterness, giving your enemies and doubters their victory, one day waking up to find yourself incarcerated or seriously, permanently injured.
You will be a wonderful role model for children and teenagers as a sober non-drinker. Young people are a treasure to be protected, and they depend on you to model positive behaviors and strong strength of will. Dr. Jan's Stop Drinking Alcohol: Be Alcohol Free Now with Hypnosis will give you the help you need to turn your life around.
Dr. Janet Hall is a clinical psychologist, hypnotherapist, author, speaker and media consultant. Dr. Jan authored eight books on family and relationships and recorded over 50 audio-recordings, many of them including hypnotic material. She founded Richmond Hill Psychology in Melbourne, Australia.
Customer Reviews
This is horrific! She tells you you're stupid and anyone who drinks is stupid, that you might end up jail or killing someone. Address no issues whatsoever. It does not work. I cannot believe she has the audacity to charge people for this. It's badly recorded, badly articulated and insulting.