SuperLife SuperLife


    • 4.0 • 32 Ratings
    • £7.99

Publisher Description

In this groundbreaking health and lifestyle guide, Darin Olien—superfoods expert, nutritionist, creator of Shakeology, and co-host of the Netflix docuseries Down to Earth with Zac Efron—provides the key to understanding and utilizing five life forces, the sole factors that determine whether or not we will be healthy, fit, and free of illness.

In Superlife, Darin Olien provides us with an entirely new way of thinking about health and wellbeing by identifying what he calls the life forces: Quality Nutrition, Hydration, Detoxification, Oxygenation, and Alkalization. Olien demonstrates in great detail how to maintain these processes, thereby allowing our bodies to do the rest. He tells us how we can maintain healthy weight, prevent even the most serious of diseases, and feel great. He explains that all of this is possible without any of the restrictive or gimmicky diet plans that never work in the long term.

Olien has traveled the world, exploring the health properties of foods that have sustained indigenous cultures for centuries. Putting his research into practice, he has created a unique and proven formula for maximizing our bodies’ potential. He also includes a “How-to-eat” user’s guide with a shopping list, advice on “what to throw away,” a guide to creating a healthy, balanced diet plan, and advice on how to use supplements effectively. 

Written in Olien’s engaging conversational style, Superlife is a one-of-a-kind comprehensive look at dieting and nutrition, a timeless and essential guide to maintaining the human body and maximizing its potential.

Darin Olien
hr min
21 July

Customer Reviews

EllyWinnerJune2019 ,

A MUST read... before it’s too late!!!

An excellent book which will open your eyes (wide) to the benefits of a plant based diet. This is a book that has literally changed my life in more ways than you’ll ever imagine. From being in a mental rut and not knowing exactly why... to becoming more aware of the benefits of the foods that I consume which has improved my mental and physical health. Thank you Darin for your methodical yet fun approach to living the most amazing SUPER LIFE!!

tomyomhhhhh ,

Not Darin Olion

One tiny part narrated by Darin then a voice actor with some questionable impressions. Love the book hate the execution.

superexplosiva2001 ,

Great Insights/too little scientific background information

Loved the book - the way it is structured and with Do To lists - really motivating. Love that it is broken down into the 5 life-forces.
Four criticisms though:
1) a bit too shallow on some details. Could do with more scientific explanations.
2) Darin is ridding on the low-carb wave. If he follows my first criticism, he would discover that low-carb is a hoax.
3) ADHD is caused by de-hydration? As a mother of a 10 y.o. diagnosed with ADHD, I can ensure you that this is certainly not the case. Again, back to my first point. Scientific evidences would help, not urban legend.
4) In the audio book it says that there is additional content, but yet I cannot access it. Would be grateful for being advised where to find it.

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