Effects of Supplementation of Probiotics on the Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Faecal Microflora in Growing-Finishing Pigs (Report) Effects of Supplementation of Probiotics on the Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Faecal Microflora in Growing-Finishing Pigs (Report)

Effects of Supplementation of Probiotics on the Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Faecal Microflora in Growing-Finishing Pigs (Report‪)‬

Asian - Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2011, May, 24, 5

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INTRODUCTION Probiotics are live microorganisms which have been found to confer a health benefit on the host when administered in adequate amounts (Weichselbaum, 2009). Probiotics are mainly used to reinforce or re-establish the gut microbial balance, especially when the hosts are confronted with challenges or stress (Vanbelle, 2001). Some studies have suggested that administration with different microbes in early life can alter the composition of gut flora during the first weeks of life and have an impact on health in later life (Bjorksten et al., 2001; Kero et al., 2002). It is common to supplement lactic acid bacteria (LAB) probiotics, as LAB are considered as natural microflora of the gut. Several modes of LAB action in the gut have been observed when administered orally to the host. These include production of lactic acid and antimicrobial substances, lowering the pH, and consequently reducing E. coli and Enterobacteria counts (Nousiainen and Setala, 1998). Bacillus spp., with soil as their natural habitat, are also used as probiotics, either alone or combined with LAB or yeasts (Hong et al., 2005). The probiotic yeast Saccharomyces, which normally grows on plant material and does not occur in the gut, has been found to be effective in stimulating intestinal immunity and protecting the host from diahrroea (Buts et al., 1990).

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1 May
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