The Purifying Fire
A Planeswalker Novel
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Publisher Description
Magic: The Gathering takes a bold new direction in this Planeswalker novel about the adventures of Chandra Nalaar—an impulsive mage on a collision course with destiny
Fresh off an encounter in which she was able to show off her talents, Chandra Nalaar has earned a place in a loose association of fire mages. But she still has a lot to prove—especially to the hieromancers imposing their draconian law across the land. The Order’s ever-increasing influence is an affront to all Chandra holds sacred: freedom, individuality, the right of self-determination, and most of all, the right to blow things up.
A great mage once said that destruction is best left to a professional, and Chandra is proving to be world-class in the art of boom. Unfortunately, that notoriety is about to earn her a whole lot of trouble . . . Her exploration of the Multiverse and the extent of her volatile powers have some thinking she is the herald of the apocalypse. Will she control her own destiny—or suffer the will of others?