Daido Moriyama "Record No.16"
- ¥2,200
- ¥2,200
「結局カメラを手に路頭に居るときだけが元気なわけで、むしろこの一点だけが、ぼくの唯一のアイデンティティかもしれない」(著者コメントより)。2010年8月に刊行された森山大道の私家版写真誌「記録 第16号」を電子書籍化。“とにもかくにも撮る”ということに忠実に、北海道・小樽の街を2日間彷徨い歩いたデジタル&カラースナップ集。
森山大道(もりやま だいどう)/写真家。1938年10月10日、大阪府生まれ。ハイコントラストで粒子の粗い“アレ・ブレ・ボケ”と称される独自のスタイルを確立し、世界的にも高い評価を得る。近年の写真集に『NAGISA』『LABYRINTH』(Akio Nagasawa Publishing)、『カラー』『モノクロ』(月曜社)、『実験室からの眺め』(河出書房新社)など。
People frequently use such highly pathetic expressions as “wander around the streets.” As far as I’m concerned, I’ve been wandering around the streets for as long as I can remember. Regardless of all the things that may have occurred here and there during the twenty years that passed before I picked up the camera, as well as over the fifty years with the camera that followed, I spent most of my time out in the streets, and that’s in fact where I’m still hanging around today. It’s the same thing with the camera. I did eventually pick it up one day, but while trying out this and that, I never managed to get things under control, as a result of which I’m still not even sure which way to go.
This issue of Record features pictures for my Hokkaido exhibition that opens this summer at Otaru and other places, taken during two days of wandering around the area‘s streets.
Daidō Moriyama (Moriyama Daidō, born October 10, 1938) is a Japanese photographer noted for his images depicting the breakdown of traditional values in post-war Japan.
Born in Ikeda, Osaka, Daidō Moriyama studied photography under Takeji Iwamiya before moving to Tokyo in 1961 to work as an assistant to Eikoh Hosoe. He produced a collection of photographs, on "Nippon gekijō shashinchō" Though not exclusively, Moriyama predominantly takes high contrast, grainy, black and white photographs within the Shinjuku area of Tokyo, often shot from odd angles. Moriyama's photography has been influenced by Seiryū Inoue, Shōmei Tōmatsu, William Klein, Andy Warhol, Eikoh Hosoe, the Japanese writer Yukio Mishima, the dramatist Shūji Terayama, and Jack Kerouac's "On the Road".
Plexus Co.,Ltd.(Tokyo, Japan) proudly presents Daido Moriyama's lifework series "RECORD" in e-Book for the first time distributing in worldwide scale.