Zombie Outbreak Survival: Make America Zombie Free Again
Descripción editorial
My fellow American survivors, it's the American election season and change is a comin'. What would the great speeches sound like against the backdrop of a zombie apocalypse? And so, at the risk of what others might think, I thought I would try another speech. Here is the “Make America Great Again” speech, zombified.
Who am I? I’m Captain Allen, USMC, a certified Zombie Outbreak Survival Expert. You already know you can count on me for great zombie apocalypse survival ideas, but I want you to come to me for all your zombie apocalypse and zombie outbreak needs. Of course, survival is my expertise. I promise to continue delivering the survival goods to you as I continue to write. I thought for this PSA, I would take an interesting detour.
Oddly enough, you will see gun control, healthcare, the economy, immigration, political elites, racism, education, and foreign policy all carry very heavy gravitas even in a zombie apocalypse.
If you want the people you love to survive, you'll read my books. If you don't care if they survive, screw 'em...but read my books any way.