Release Limiting Beliefs and Decisions (Unabridged) Release Limiting Beliefs and Decisions (Unabridged)

Release Limiting Beliefs and Decisions (Unabridged)

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    • $4.99

Publisher Description

Put life in perspective, free yourself from limiting beliefs and become more balanced and positive now.

Limiting decisions or beliefs are negative thoughts which usually arise as a result of difficult or traumatic situations we have experienced. If you were to put them in sentence form some examples may be "I'm not good enough" or "I'm not in control" or "I don't trust anyone", or they could be more specific to a particular problem, like "I can't stop eating" or "I'm not motivated to exercise". The point is that statements like this arise for good reason but are inherently untrue and unhelpful when we hold on to them long term.

Before you start you need to be clear what the decision is that you wish to work on. You cannot change what happened in the past, but you can choose to change your understanding of past events so you can get something useful out of it, maintain and strengthen your inner power and let go of the negative thoughts and feelings now.

You can use this recording as often as you wish to and with a different limiting decision each time if you want, until you can remember all past negative events in a neutral, understanding way and experience future events where you may have reacted with unnecessary negative thoughts and feelings being totally cool, calm and collected.

In addition to this recording being written and delivered by Darren Marks one of the UK's leading hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners, it also utilizes dual delivery hypnotherapy (DDH) and brainwave entrainment. DDH involves different suggestions or metaphors being delivered separately yet simultaneously through the right and left headphones. The effect is deeply hypnotic and has the advantage of helping the unconscious mind to accept beneficial suggestions with less conscious interference.

Brainwave entrainment refers to the brain's electrical response to rhythmic stimulation. When the brain is stimulated through one of our physical senses it emits electrical ch...

Darren Marks
hr min
January 27
Hypnotherapists Direct Ltd
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