Overcome Fear of Being Alone: Learn to Feel Comfortable in Your Own Company (Unabridged) Overcome Fear of Being Alone: Learn to Feel Comfortable in Your Own Company (Unabridged)

Overcome Fear of Being Alone: Learn to Feel Comfortable in Your Own Company (Unabridged)

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    • $4.99

Publisher Description

Fear is one of the basic, negative but necessary feelings all of us experience from time to time. We feel it for a reason, usually to protect us. There is of course a difference between harmless fears which have no or little impact on our day to day lives and strong fears or phobias. Fear of being alone is of course understandable as we are designed to be sociable creatures. However the neediness and desperation that can surface as a result of such a fear can be really off putting to those you are trying to attract.

The ideal state to be in would be to allow yourself to feel comfortable and happy, alone and in your own company, because when you truly feel like that you are much more likely to attract others and even if you don't it doesn't matter because you are feeling happy anyway.

This recording is designed to help you to begin to reprogramme your mind to feel comfortable and confident to be on your own. The aim is for you to learn how to relax, breathe naturally and cope easily in those situations.

In addition to this recording being written and delivered by Darren Marks one of the UKs leading hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners, it also utilizes dual delivery hypnotherapy (DDH) and brainwave entrainment. DDH involves different suggestions or metaphors being delivered separately yet simultaneously through the right and left headphones. The effect is deeply hypnotic and has the advantage of helping the unconscious mind to accept beneficial suggestions with less conscious interference.

When the brain is exposed to rhythm, the rhythm is recreated in the brain in the form of these electrical impulses. If the rhythm is the right speed it can begin to mimic natural brainwave patterns. When this occurs, the brain reacts by synchronizing to the same rhythm. This phenomenon is called the Frequency Following Response (or FFR). FFR is used here to assist people to rapidly access deep meditative states which could take years to master without assistance.

Darren Marks
hr min
January 16
Hypnotherapists Direct Ltd
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