Con Law Con Law
Book 1 - Professor John Bookman

Con Law

    • 4.2 • 213 Ratings
    • $4.99
    • $4.99

Publisher Description

John Bookman—Book to his friends—is a tenured professor at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin. He rides a Harley and wears jeans and cowboy boots and his hair too long to suit the conservative dean. He’s thirty-five, handsome and unmarried but seldom without a female companion. He teaches karate and Con Law, law school vernacular for Constitutional Law. He is a recognized constitutional law expert, debates senators on political talk shows and reduces them to blithering fools, writes scathing op-eds, and is often mentioned as a possible Supreme Court nominee. He is famous for taking on lost causes and winning. Consequently, when he arrives at the law school each Monday morning, hundreds of letters await him, letters from lost causes around the country seeking his help. Some letters are funny, others are sad, most are hopeless. But every now and then, one letter captures his attention. Then, with only his latest law school intern in tow, Professor Bookman takes off on yet another adventure—not in search of ancient artifacts like Indiana Jones, but in search of truth and justice—"or as close thereto as the law allows." In this first installment of a new series, Book investigates a murder in the world of art and fracking in Marfa, Texas.

Daily Mail (UK): "There cannot be any dispute. Gimenez has taken over John Grisham's mantle. This is his seventh legal thriller, and his work is now faster and fresher than Grisham, his characters are stronger, and his plot lines reek of tomorrow's headlines. This one centres on 'fracking'; the removal of gas from shale oil deposits, which is now the subject of fierce political debate in Britain as well as America. . . . It takes a positive delight in the intricacies of the law, but with a good helping of action thrown in, and it underlines just how much Gimenez has taken over Grisham's territory."

Weekend Sport (UK): Same brilliant storyteller, brand new character to follow. Gimenez does law mysteries every bit as good as John Grisham, and this latest effort won't disappoint fans of that master. . . . Gimenez is a great and growing writer who hasn't let his readers down yet, and doesn't look likely to."

Mysteries & Thrillers
July 3
Navarchus Press LLC
Navarchus Press LLC

Customer Reviews

Longhorn5555 ,

Approach it with the right attitude...

The supporting characters are caricatures of various stereotypes. The best approach in my opinion is to read this more like a light/fun comedy as opposed to a serious novel. Think “Stuart Woods”; not John Grisham.

If so, it’s a good read. Witty. Balanced political agenda (he dings the left and the right), and the “Book” character is pretty well developed.

Qqqqeeeeiiii ,

Good read!

Love all the details about Texas!

Euphrosine ,

Best legal books ever

I happened upon this wonderful writer about 3 years ago and every time I read one of his books I think it can’t get any better- until I read the next one.

I know nothing about the law except what I read, so I learn something each time I read one of Mr. Gimenez’s books. If you’re a reader, this is an author to add to your list!

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