Daily Readings from Next Level Thinking Daily Readings from Next Level Thinking

Daily Readings from Next Level Thinking

90 Devotions for a Successful and Abundant Life

    • 4.2 • 11 Ratings
    • $9.99
    • $9.99

Publisher Description

Set aside the frustrations of your past and step into a new level of victory and favor with this spiritually powerful guide from #1 bestselling author and Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen.

We all have things that are trying to hold us back: guilt from past mistakes, temptations that we can't seem to overcome, or dysfunctions that have been passed down. It's easy to learn to live with these problems and accept them as who we are. We can all find a reason to live like we're at a disadvantage and become negative and bitter-we came down with an illness, somebody walked out of a relationship, our boss overlooked us. But we have to say, "I'm done making excuses. I'm not going to let the past keep me from moving forward and benefitting from the good things God has in store." It is time to say, "It is finished."

In Next Level Thinking, Joel Osteen writes that we weren't created to go through life weighed down by addictions, dysfunction, guilt, or the past. God created us to be free. Joel encourages readers to leave behind the negative mindsets, the scarcity mentality, and the limitations others have put on us, and shows us how to step into new levels of victory, new levels of favor.

Religion & Spirituality
June 4
Hachette Digital, Inc.

Customer Reviews

jDub+jHawk ,

Christ doesn’t teach how to get rich and be successful. Prosperity Theology & this book are awful!

You don’t live in a huge McMansion and profit off teaching the gospel. I’m a gnostic Christian and this man is a snake oil salesman. Go inward. Read Edgar Cayce, a profit who loved Jesus so and read the Bible cover to cover once a year every year until his death. His gifts from God show us that Joel Osteen’s Next Level “False” Thinking is just more straying you from the Universal Truth that You are NOT a Human Being who has Spiritual Experiences from time-to-time. You are an Eternal, Spiritual Being Made of God and you’re having one of many human experiences you’ve had over the millennia. Jesus talks about Reincarnation throughout the New Testement several places. It was the dogma of the Church until Byzantine Emperor Justinian outlawed it because he came from humble, poor beginnings and married a prostitute so they didn’t like the implication that they must’ve been bad in their previous lives. That simple. That’s what enlightenment is. We split off from The Logos, God, just as zygote’s do and start multiplying cellularly until they become an embryo and fetus. Just as I was born to my biological father in 1980, my DNA goes back through my family tree all the way back to Adam. Your soul did the same. If you’re an old soul you individualized and began incarnating before younger souls. Our task in this realm, the realm of Duality, is to choose Love over Fear. Therer’s only one sin and that’s the sin of self. Every sin is rooted in putting ourselves first and seperating ourselves from our brothers and sisters………and more importantly seperating ourselves from God and Christ. That’s Enlightenment. We are all one. That’s the Next Level Thinking that Mr. Osteen doesn’t know and frames as Evil b/c his view is Money, divisiveness and ego are all powerful. FEAR is his and those like hims Gospel. Reject it. Choose Love, Choose Sacrifice, Choice letting go of ego b/c you aren’t who you think you are. Your Mind is not you. You’re sould is. You’re Mind is only your personality.
THE LAW OF ONE! IT’S THE TRUTH ORGANIZED RELIGION HAS BEEN HIDING FROM US. The Christian Faith was never meant to be what Mr. Osteen has bastardized it to be.

Is there any reason for this man to profit from this book at all. Read Dr. Eban Alexander’s Heaven is Real. He doesn’t pocket one cent b/c the message is all that’s important. This man worships at the alter of the almighty $$$$. Seek answers from true, holy men and woman and more importantly seek answers from within yourself b/c you are made of God and are an eternal soul with so many wonderful gifts.
God Bless, don’t waste your money on this trash because it’s leading you away from God. And worst of all……..he knows it. He and others of his ilk twisted Christ’s words to meet their goal of greed and profit. It’s called Prosperity theology. Look it up on Wikipedia if you don’t know about it. When did Christ talk so much about Successful and Abundant Life. Materialism and status and ego? He needs the real next level thinking which is the true nature of our souls.
If you are a fan of Mr. Osteen, please look deeper and who and what he is. If you know his teachings, maybe try someone new that has differing points of view. God wants us to constantly challenge ourselves. Some ideas make us uncomfortable at first, but it’s b/c we’ve been brainwashed into one line of obedient thinking where they say we need a middle man between us and Christ. Bunk. Try Dr. Michael Newton, Dr. Eban Alexander, George Anderson, Edgar Cayce and others who know that this body is just our vehicle in this plain. Our mind’s are like FM Transmitters connected to the source, but the signal has been staticy for 2,000 years. It’s getting clearer though, now and people are having enlightenment in numbers never seen before. You’re here to grow and to serve, not to prosper, hoard your money and seek abundance. Sorry for the rant, but this book is a piece of work and I don’t mean that in a good way. Good look with your Path towards truth and back to the lord. God love you all and I love you all. Even Mr. Osteen b/c he is a smart man, for sure and I believe he knows it’s time to let his ego go and to serve the lord. He could be a warrior for sacrifice and humility and I pray he finds the courage and wisdom to do just that. Thanks for reading.
I give this book 1-star btw. In case you couldn’t tell! Haha!.

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