Eyes of Prey
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Lời Giới Thiệu Của Nhà Xuất Bản
Lucas Davenport, "one of the best hard-case cops on the crime scene today" (Houston Post) returns in John Sandford's #1 New York Times bestselling Prey series...
Lieutenant Davenport’s sanity was nearly shattered by two murder investigations. Now he faces something worse…Two killers. One hideously scarred. The other strikingly handsome, a master manipulator fascinated with all aspects of death. The dark mirror of Davenport’s soul…This is the case that will bring Davenport back to life. Or push him over the edge.
With a New Introduction by John Sandford
Sandford ( Shadow Prey ) brings back Minneapolis police Lt. Lucas Davenport in this terrific, fast-moving psycho-thriller/procedural featuring one of the nastiest villains in recent fiction. Michael Bekker, a pathologist fixed on his own beauty, various high-powered drugs and hatred of his wife, also is obsessed with the eyes of the dead and dying. He joins forces with Carlo Druze, an actor with a face ruined by fire, to kill Bekker's wife and the theater manager who wants to cashier Druze. Druze kills and mutilates Mrs. Bekker when Bekker's out of town; Bekker returns the favor when Druze has a solid alibi, leading the Minneapolis police to suspect a serial killer. Fighting depression, estranged from his lover and their child, Davenport seeks a frightened mystery witness, Mrs. Bekker's lover, who tries to help while remaining hidden. To cover their tracks Bekker and Cruze go on a murderous, almost random rampage providing many gory scenes, but mercifully none too explicit. Nobody's safe from Bekker's drug-powered cunning, not sick children nor a helpless invalid. The final revelation of the unknown lover is wrenching. Pulitzer-winning journalist ``Sandford'' also writes as John Camp ( The Empress File ). BOMC and Mysterious Book Club alternates.
Nhận Xét Của Khách Hàng
Eyes of prey
Well planned and VERY thought out storyline. As strong,cunning and quite frankly very deadly….Lucas Davenport STILL has fragility’s like us all. Quite so to the point that can take him to extremely dark places.
Very good book. Sandford is a fun author to read.
The book moves along well and has a nice little twist at the end. Worth reading if you liked the previous John Sandford books.
Great read
Another winner by Sandford. You gotta like Lucas