Red Dragon
4,4 • 972 đánh giá
- 8,99 US$
Lời Giới Thiệu Của Nhà Xuất Bản
Feed your fears with the terrifying classic that introduced cannibalistic serial killer Hannibal Lecter.
FBI agent Will Graham once risked his sanity to capture Hannibal Lecter, an ingenious killer like no other. Now, he’s following the bloodstained pattern of the Tooth Fairy, a madman who’s already wiped out two families.
To find him, Graham has to understand him. To understand him, Graham has only one place left to go: the mind of Dr. Lecter.
Nhận Xét Của Khách Hàng
-3- meh
Amazing book, but I think it could’ve done better. I still give it four stars, because it was very captivating and satisfying, which I very hard to find in most books. Also, to the jerk who gave a one star and said the book gave him aids, hate to break it to you, buddy, but that’s not possible. So, maybe after you consult with some mental helpers, you can change you review to one that makes sense, and doesn’t consist of DELUSIONS. -3- meh
Nothing I can say here hasn’t been said before.
Good stuff
Terrific book. Interesting yet believable dialogue throughout and compelling insight into characters’ points of view. Well written and engaging prose. No frilly long-winded or meandering descriptions. Just effective, direct, character-driven narrative with a strong forward motion.