Getting started with Laravel 11, master the most popular PHP framework Getting started with Laravel 11, master the most popular PHP framework

Getting started with Laravel 11, master the most popular PHP framework

Here continues your roadmap in the development of web applications in PHP with Laravel + Rest Api and Vue 3 Full Sack

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Publisher Description

The book is being updated from version 10 to 11 as part of my commitment to the reader to provide updated and current content, and I have migrated the first chapters and I am currently in this process.

This book is for anyone who wants to build their first applications in Laravel 11, this writing offers a step-by-step introduction to the framework, knowing the most relevant aspects of it and is focused above all on practice; it is assumed that the reader has knowledge and has developed PHP and related language technologies, such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS and even similar frameworks; Remember that to use any framework, you have to have the bases that support it, that is, its programming language.


This book has a total of 23 chapters, it is recommended that you read in the order in which they are arranged and as we explain the components of the framework, go directly to the practice, replicate, test and modify the codes that we show in this book.
Explains what is the necessary software, and its installation to develop in Laravel on Windows with Laragon or on Mac and Linux with Laravel Sail and Docker.
We will talk about Laravel, we will create a project, we will configure the database, we will know basic aspects.
We will take the first steps with the routes and the views; we'll also cover using controllers.
We will know the use of migrations.
We will get to know the MVC, which is the heart of the framework.
We will create a simple CRUD app, we will learn to work with the MVC, resource type controllers, lists, pagination, form validations, database access among other related aspects.
We will know how to send flash type session messages which we will use to confirm CRUD operations.
This chapter is reinforcement, in which we will create a CRUD for the categories.
This chapter is oriented to learn the use of routes; which in Laravel are very extensible and full of options for groupings, types and options.
We are going to create an authentication system and all that this entails for our application by installing Laravel Breeze, which also configures Tailwind.css in the project and Alpine.js.
We are going to expand the scheme provided by Laravel Breeze for authentication, creating a protection based on roles, to handle different types of users in specific modules of the application.
We will learn about some common Eloquent operations applied to the database using query builders.
We are going to introduce the use of components in Laravel.
We will learn how to generate test data using classes.
We will learn how to create a CRUD type Rest Api and additional methods to perform additional queries.
We are going to protect the CRUD type Rest Api with Sanctum, using SPA and token authentication.
We are going to consume the Rest Api through a CRUD type application in Vue 3 using axios requests and web components with Oruga UI; we will also see the process of uploading files.
We will learn how to configure Browsersync with Laravel to do automatic application reloads
We will protect the application in Vue with login required to access its different modules using SPA authentication or Laravel Sanctum tokens.
We are going to learn how to manage the cache, to save access data to improve application performance and avoid bottlenecks with the database.
We are going to learn how to manage access policies to certain application modules through Gates and Policies.
To Do
We will see how to manage the permissions and roles of a user to authorize certain parts of the application with a flexible scheme and widely used in web applications of all kinds using Spatie, in this chapter we will learn how to perform this integration and we will develop a module to manage this permissions.
By the end of the book, you will have the knowledge to create any basic application with the framework and know more than just the basics of it.

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Professional & Technical
September 9
Andrés Cruz
Andres Cruz

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