Goblin Slayer, Vol. 1 (manga)
4.8 • 144 Ratings
- $6.99
Publisher Description
A young priestess joins her first adventuring party but almost immediately encounters the most unspeakable horrors. Rescued by an enigmatic warrior called Goblin Slayer, she partners with her savior on his mission to exterminate all goblins-by any means necessary. When rumors of Goblin Slayer's feats begin circulating, there's no telling who might come calling next...
Customer Reviews
Please UPDATE the list of VOLUMES!!!
First, can Apple Books PLEASE UPDATE the order of these book?!?! It has number 4 listed as number 1. It’s like this for all of the first 4 volumes. Also, I have brought all the volumes up until the 8th one. The first 4, the price keeps on showing on them. Is it possible to update that too? Please and thank you.
Must read is fantasy anime/manga
Not worth your time.
Just imagine Berserk with all of the gratuitous physical and sexual violence without the magnificent story and characters to at least make it palatable. If you’re that depraved and easily amused, this is the manga for you.