Night Visions....from Laputa
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Publisher Description
Laputa, as a place, was introduced to the world by Jonathan Swift in Gulliver’s Travels.
Laputa, as a place to live, came into my life in 1974 when I returned to the University of Alberta, Edmonton, as a student. It was one of twelve residential houses operated by Campus Co-op, a non-profit housing society
The hard edge paintings had their origins in an exercise from painting class. I can’t remember the trigger, but I adopted the hard edge style very quickly as a means to do figurative painting. The figurative paintings were independent of any classroom activity.
Also used as a source in the hard edge paintings were drawings created through a computer process. These have been referenced in another book,
The Amdahl Graphics . . . 1974, 1975, 1976.
The airbrush paintings evolved as a means to explore mixing colour on the canvas, while in the process of drawing/painting multiple overlays. I restricted myself to yellow, magenta, cyan and white pigments.
The “Metallics” paintings were yet another exploration of alternatives in my painting world. The metallics and diluted acrylics were applied using an airless electric spray gun. My biggest challenge in this period was discovering a means to paint acrylic on a metallic primer.