Representations of Japan in the Bulletin De L'union Missionnaire Du Clerge: A Chapter in the History of Quebec Catholic Missionaries in Asia, 1925-1973. Representations of Japan in the Bulletin De L'union Missionnaire Du Clerge: A Chapter in the History of Quebec Catholic Missionaries in Asia, 1925-1973.

Representations of Japan in the Bulletin De L'union Missionnaire Du Clerge: A Chapter in the History of Quebec Catholic Missionaries in Asia, 1925-1973‪.‬

Historical Studies 2006, Annual, 72

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Publisher Description

This paper examines the images of Japan contained in the Bulletin de l'Union missionnaire du Clerge and the perceptions of members of Quebec religious orders of Japan during the Showa era. The Bulletin was an official publication of the Quebec Church, propagating the work of its missions. Its contributors lived all over Japan, and their writings made it possible for Quebecois readers to gain an appreciation of the reality of Japan during its various transformations in the twentieth century. Conceptions of Japan in the Bulletin show clearly that the Catholic missionaries always perceived this country positively. In spite of the difficulties encountered during World War II, they remained deeply respectful of Japanese society. This attitude is related to the fact that Japan was a modern nation with a social foundation which they felt could be compared advantageously with western countries. Moreover, interests and values shared by Japan and the Holy See were often symbiotic, in particular with regard to Communism. Cet article analyse l'image du Japon vehiculee dans le Bulletin de l'Union missionnaire du Clerge, ainsi que les perceptions des membres des communautes religieuses quebecoises etablies au Japon durant l'ere Showa. Le Bulletin est une publication officielle de l'Eglise du Quebec qui presente le travail des missionnaires. Ses collaborateurs vivent au Japon et leurs textes permettent aux lecteurs quebecois de mieux connaitre la realite nippone. La representation du Japon diffusee dans le Bulletin demontre que les missionnaires catholiques ont toujours percu ce pays positivement. Malgre les difficultes rencontrees par l'Eglise pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ils sont restes profondement respectueux de la societe nippone. Cette attitude est liee au fait que le Japon est une nation moderne qui se compare avantageusement a beaucoup de pays occidentaux. D'ailleurs, les interets et les valeurs partages par le Japon et le Saint-Siege sont souvent symbiotiques, notamment en ce qui concerne le communisme.

January 1
The Canadian Catholic Historical Assn.
The Gale Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation and an affiliate of Cengage Learning, Inc.

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